Brookhaven Video Game
I read the article on the Brookhaven video game from the nytimes.com. This article was very interesting. It is all about video games and their success over the years. The first video game that was made was called tennis for two and was a very simple, easily operated game. From then on everyone was hooked on video games, from pac man to rock band, people are so overly obsessed with video games. I find it crazy how much time people spend playing video games and all of the different games that have came out over the years. The realistic characters are one of the things that really amaze me, it really shows how much technology has improved over all of the years. From a half a century ago until now video games went from being a little green ball going across a blank screen, to being able to create your own person on your video game to represent you, play music, and so much more. I have never been a big video game player myself, but I do really like Wii. I find it crazy what you can do with video games. This article was really interesting and informative on all of the different games throughout the years.
Performance Art

This project took me a little while to get started on. I thought for a while about how I could portray my relationship to technology in an interesting way. I am on my phone a lot as most of the class probably knows by now and it becomes a problem sometimes. Not only my phone but I use the computer a lot as well as watch many different tv series'. I decided to add up all of the time that I have been "wrapped up" in technology throughout my whole life, it turned out to be a ridiculous amount of time (over 3 years). That really blew me away. I made a powerpoint of all of the math I did to figure out how much time I have spent using technology, and while that was playing behind me I sat texting on my cell phone while being wrapped up by all of the different cords and chargers that go to the technology I use in my life. Technology is such a big part in everyones lives today that it seems as if without technology, no one would know what to do with themselves.
Grid Art
I really enjoyed this project. When I was first thinking of ideas a lot of ideas were going through my head, I knew I wanted to use color and be a little creative with what to use for my grid. I ended up using a badminton racket as my grid, and weaving different materials like pipe cleaners, ribbons, lace, pom poms, and other materials into the racket to form a swirly lollipop. It took a lot of time and I loved the end result. I really enjoyed seeing what ideas everyone else in the class came up with, the creativity that everyone has is really great and inspiring.
flip book responces
adam-I really enjoyed your flip book. It was very different from everyone else's in the class and it really caught my attention and stuck in my head. I liked the whole idea of how you had it flow, that it was kind of like the game of tetris with all of the pieces falling into place. I thought it was very comical in the way that you chose to blow the house up like a cartoon. Overall I really enjoyed your project and think it was very creative, funny, and entertaining.
Coleen-I thought your flip book was very interesting and different. It wasn't like everyone else's, instead of one story flowing through the book it was a bunch of different thoughts put together which I enjoyed. It kind of made me feel like I was in your brain going through all of your different thoughts which was cool. It was probably very hard doing all of that art work with the markers, but overall it turned out very well and I enjoyed it a lot.
Shawn-I was not in class for your presentation of your flip book, but do wish to see and and see what you did with it.
Anastasia-I liked your flip book a lot. The different colors you put into it gave the flower and forms life to them. I enjoyed watching the flower grow and change into many different forms and different objects which all ended up turning into the symbol for peace. I like the overall message that you were sending out. I saw your flip book through the whole process of making it, and really like how it came out. I think it is creative, entertaining, and beautiful.
Ashley- Your flip book was very different than all of the other ones shown in class. I liked the concept behind your idea of having floating geometric images, changing into different geometric floating images. I enjoyed looking at your flip book and think it was very bright and entertaining.
Victor- your video animation was really amazing. It was very creative, fun and exciting. I loved the part where the guy is swinging and gets eaten by the shark. The music worked perfectly and everything fit together very good. I was very impressed and surprised at how well put together your flip book was.
Mikela- I liked your flip book because it was different than everyone elses, instead of drawing you decided to take pictures of your friend getting a tattoo which I found interesting. I don't have a tattoo so I found that exciting and different.
Taylor- Your book was very cool with different ideas, I loved the rocket theme which ended on the moon, I also loved the sparkles because it made it more indepth and interesting. I thought the whole idea was very creative.
Ryan- I thought your flip book was very funny, the idea of the guy eating the mushroom and ends up turning green was very humerous. It was very cute, I loved the guys face when he turns green its very funny and tells a short story very well.
John- Your flip book was very funny. I really liked how the stick figure talks to you asking why he is a stick figure, I thought that was really creative. I also liked the twist at the end where the gingerbread man came back and ate the mushroom.
Ciara- I really liked your flip book, it was very cute and pretty. I also liked that it could be started from the front or the back which is a good idea.
Bernadette- I like that your flip book told a continuous story and kept changing. Starting off as a ball and ending up as a rainbow, it kept my attention and I thought it was very pretty and creative.
Matthew- I really liked your ideas in your flip book. I actually felt like I was really getting a detailed tour of your apartment. I also loved the business card idea, very creative.
Murad- I really enjoyed watching your flip book, the puddle growing was very entertaining. It was formed well and grew perfectly.
The flip book project was very interesting. I enjoyed the process of making my flip book but even more than that I enjoyed seeing what the rest of the class did for theirs. I found it amazing how a simple class assignment to make a flip book could turn out so amazing. I loved looking through other peoples because they were all so different.
My flip book consisted of a farmer planting seeds, the seeds then got rained on and slowly grew into a patch of flowers. The flowers disappeared and a butterfly flew across the page, then coming back the other way was a red balloon. In the end the flowers ended up slowly reappearing and it ended with the full patch of flowers again. I really enjoyed this project and wish that I took it to the next level by making it a more in depth story.
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